Thursday 17 December 2015

It's not just about the coffee.... I like food as well....!

You may have guessed from the content of this blog that, as well as being a great fan of coffee, I also very much enjoy the food as well. You may also have picked up on the fact that my other passion in life (and business) is photography. Sometimes I have the pleasure of seeing both worlds collide, sometimes in rather spectacular fashion.
One such occasion was when I was recently asked to do some food photography for a local, and rather well-known chef, to illustrate his regular feature in the Manchester Evening News.
I was faced with a procession of exquisite looking dishes, ranging from starters, through mains, and onto some delightful desserts, one of which was a rather amazing Mille Feuille, which I also had the awesome privilege of eating at the end of the shoot.
As the memory of the dessert has remained with me ever since, and the requirement to go and take some character shots of the aforementioned chef for a local charity function he was involved in arose, my (slightly twisted) mind put the two together with a somewhat bizarre idea to reproduce a well-known tourist photograph theme. I had already noticed the similarity between the structure of the Mille Feuille and the layered construction of the leaning tower of Pisa, and the idea came quite smoothly in the wee hours of the morning (as such ideas often do). Having finished the charity shots, in various outfits, I politely asked Mr Nutter (his real name!) to stand in a certain position which enable the necessary adjustments to be made later that day. Since the finished picture surfaced, Andrew has used it as his Twitter profile photo (and is still currently doing so to date), and has had a life-sized cardboard cutout made of it to stand in his restaurant.
This pretty much sums up the facts that a) food can be fun and b) you can have a lot of fun at work.

For more of me:
Twitter: @photographyman
Instagram: howard_photographyman

For more of Andrew Nutter: